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3 projets européens trouvés

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Advancing the European Multilingual Experience (ATHEME)

Date du début: 1 mars 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2019,

"The project Advancing The European Multilingual Experience (AThEME) takes an integrated approach towards the study of multilingualism in Europe by incorporating and combining linguistic, cognitive and sociological perspectives; by studying multilingualism in Europe at three different levels of societal magnitude, viz. the individual multilingual citizen, the multilingual group, and the multilingu ...
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"An investigation of the origins and development of a central feature of late-antique, medieval and modern culture: the belief that dead saints can act as mediators between a distant God and humankind, and that they are active on earth in many different ways (such as healing the sick, punishing the irreverent, or even controlling the weather).The project will investigate the emergence of this beli ...
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REELCOOP stands for REnewable ELectricity COOPeration, and will address 5 areas: photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), solar thermal (ST), bioenergy and grid integration. REELCOOP will develop decentralised (distributed) building integrated PV systems and ST/biomass micro-cogeneration systems, as well as centralised generation of electricity in hybrid solar/biomass power plants. This ...
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