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10 projets européens trouvés

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DurDuring this short-term EVS project our partner organisations Fekete Sereg HU, Ayuntamiento de Murcia ES, System and Generation Association TR, Arbeitkammer Tirol AT and Altea France FR will send 2 young volunteers each to work in Kokkola for 4 weeks with different kind of environmental tasks. The volunteering activities will take place in Kokkola, Finland 7.10.-1.11.2013 (4 weeks).The theme of ...
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Volunteering through the Eyes of Europe

Date du début: 1 mai 2011,

The project Volunteering through the eyes of Europe promotes numerous vaolues of the Eruopean Union through culture and multimedia. As 2011 has officially been proclaimed as the year of volunteering we have decided to devote out project to this widely spoken and yet often overheard topic. Two young people will thus get the chance to reflect on the meaning of volunteering in their own country and i ...
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''A snap shot from a volunteer's hand project'' is basically an art and culture project with the activities such as volunteers' taking professional documentary photograph lessons and implementing the gained skills in the area and taking handicraft courses. Furthermore, in the project volunteers will have the chance to come together with Turkish youngsters having fewer opportunities. During these m ...
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Path of Motion

Date du début: 1 juin 2009,

"Path of Motion" is a project that blends topics like nature, action, modern media (photos and film) and art in general. Its aim is to help young people to find their way in an exploited nature and in the overflow of goods and media. The youngsters would learn to value, enjoy nature and live in harmony with it. At the same time they would get an inside view of the world of media which will follow ...
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Abbiamo avuto delle rinunce poco prima dell’inizi© del progetto. Anche se si è ridottonotevolmente il numero dei partecipanti ciò non ha alterato la qualità del progetto. Inparticolare:(I) il partner irlandese non ha partecipato allo scambio a causa di problemi legati allapropria organizzazione;(2) il gruppo finlandese ha mandato un partecipante in meno a causa di un infortunio(gamba rotta)(3) il ...
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Ce projet SVE inclut 3 projets de volontariat de 8, 6 et respectivement de 4 mois (entre 7/01/11 et 8/10/11 ) à Liège en Belgique sur le thème de l'intégration sociale des jeunes et plus particulièrement de minorités en milieu local et international. Ces projets SVE seront réalisés par 3 volontaires aveugles de Roumanie, Pologne et Allemagne. Ce projet sera coordonnée et mis en place par une organ ...
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Click together! are you ready for europe?

Date du début: 31 janv. 2010,

The Youth Exchange "Click together! Are you ready for Europe?" realised in co-operationbetween Mreža association and its international partners from Spain, Serbia, Hungary,Macedonia, Romania will offer the possibility to young people from programme countries andneighbouring partner countries from South Eastern Europe to exchange, to discuss and toexperience tolerance, solidarity and multiculturali ...
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ce projet a pour but d'échanger et de réfléchir sur les façons de soutenir les initiatives locales et la participation des jeunes locaux à travers des activités auxquelles participant les jeunes volontaires SVE.
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