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3 projets européens trouvés

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COMET will strengthen the pan-European research initiative on the impact of radiation on man and the environment by facilitating the integration of radioecological research. COMET will build upon the foundations laid by the European Radioecology Alliance (ALLIANCE) and the on-going FP7 STAR Network of Excellence in radioecology. By collaborating with the European platforms on nuclear and radiologi ...
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MATerials TEsting and Rules (MATTER)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2011, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The 2010-2012 implementation plan of the European Sustainable NuclearIndustrial Initiative (ESNII), in the frame of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNE TP), establishes a very tight time schedule for the start of construction of the European Gen IV prototypes; namely the construction of the LFR ETPP (European Technology Pilot Plant) Myrrha will start in 2014 and that of the SF ...
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Actinide reCycling by SEParation and Transmutation (ACSEPT)

Date du début: 1 mars 2008, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2012,

"Actinide recycling by separation and transmutation is considered worldwide and particularly in several European countries as one of the most promising strategies to reduce the inventory of radioactive waste, thus contributing to make nuclear energy sustainable. Consistently with potentially viable recycling strategies, the Collaborative Project ACSEPT will provide a structured R&D framework to de ...
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