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10 projets européens trouvés

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Recent studies at European level, show significant differences in the career and academic performance of children and youth in care in its various forms (residential care and foster care) compared to the general population. This happens paradoxically, despite the large investment in resources and professional involvement they gather.. Given the role of education in the social ascension, the failur ...
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The next step!

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

"The next step!" is an international youth exchange for young people leaving child welfare. A total of 30 young people will participate. They come from Austria, Bosnia, Serbia, the Netherlands and Croatia. In most European countries care for young people under 18 is mostly well organised, but after 18 they have to make the step towards an independent life. The young people all have to deal with ...
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Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 1 févr. 2016,

El contexto del proyecto parte de la realización de proyecto anterior GRUNDTVIG multilateral llamado CONTEST que agrupó a socios de varios países europeos en el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías para el trabajo con conflictos (prevención, resolución y transformación) y su accesibilidad para cualquier persona que pudiera beneficiarse de ella. De aquella motivación nace nuestra propuesta de hacer p ...
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Land in Sight!

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

Young people from youthcare are allowed to live in youthcare till the age of 18. After that they have to start an independent life. Unfortunately, they are often insufficiently prepared. Young people have to arrange a lot of things (work, home, insurance, finances) and most of the time it is just too much for them. Through the youth exchange we want to offer them a break from the reality. To give ...
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Yes we rock!

Date du début: 18 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

A group composed of 16 young people between the ages of 18 and 23 years from Croatia, Albania, Austria and the Netherland will meet for one week at an European youth exchange. The aim of the exchange is to present the youth with an opportunity to set their own life changing goals that will enable them to take control of their lives and be less dependent on the youth care system for the rest of the ...
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Let's Body Talk

Date du début: 1 avr. 2007,

TheatreArk organisation plans to implement a theatre exchange project in Helsingborg and has got previous experience in conducting theatre exchanges with international partners. This project invites six young people from following countries: Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Portugal, Belgium, and Sweden (10 people) together to increase understanding of different cultures. The slapstick techniques and o ...
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The Training Course (TC) is focused on violence prevention in youth work with the help of dance teaching methods. Dance is a vital tool for youngsters to develop emotional, social and cognitive skills. It helps to canalize and overcome aggressions, to improve self-confidence and to develop new forms of communication. The TC will provide a platform for organisations and their youth workers to share ...
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Media Sapiens II - Effective Communication and Media in Follow Up Activities" is a 6 daytraining course with participation of partner organisations (30 participants) from Programme and Neighbouring Partner Countries. The project will take place in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia in August 2010 and will be organised by YMCA Macedonia in co-operation with the Estonian youth organisation Life Zone.The a ...
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Date du début: 15 déc. 2009,

Due to the lack of awareness and knowledge about prejudices, stereotypes and conflict management in formal education system, we find it necessary to discuss these topics with volunteers from associations, operating in areas where local conflicts exist. The objectives of the exchange are focusing on local conflicts in participants' communities, recognizing the reason why conflicts start, finding ho ...
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Project is dealing with the ever-present and often dangerous problem of bullying, which unfortunately almost each youngster has experienced in certain form. It's important to acknowledge the problem and that everyone in the community recognises that bullying exists, as bullying happens everywhere in our society. Through this training course we want to involve young people in anti-bullying work and ...
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