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5 projets européens trouvés

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Full economic and social participation of people with disabilities is essential if the EU’s Europe 2020 strategy is to succeed in creating smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Building a society that includes everyone also brings market opportunities and fosters innovation. However, policy and regulatory frameworks do not reflect the needs of people with disabilities adequately, neither does ...
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Active citizenship whilst clearly important for all, is much less accessible yet no less important for persons with intellectual disabilities. Such individuals have little experience in making decisions for themselves with others often doing this on their behalf. Targeting persons with intellectual disabilities alongside parents, guardians and support workers, partners in the Together! worked to d ...
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The Inclusive Practices for Learners with Disabilities (IPLD) project aimed at drawing the the attention of stakeholders to the specific educational needs of deaf, hard of hearing, blind and deaf and blind adults. Inspired by the European Year of People with Disabilities, the project had three clear goals, namely, to reinforce stakeholder cooperation, to improve awareness-raising on disability (pr ...
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Full accessibility for disabled people to adult education requires adjustments inteaching, learning and assessment: teachers and trainers are best positioned to do this,although they normally lack experience and expertise to do so. The ETTAD project willenable teachers and trainers to help the integration of disabled people into adulteducation by removing unintended barriers to their entry and suc ...
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Due to booming technology and IT phenomena, distant learning and e-employment are growing in an exponential manner. This field requires optimum production rate, which is combination of time and cost. The parameter is being the level of depth of the output detail. Considering the current globalization and market conditions and resulting competition in almost all different fields of service sectors ...
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