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5 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

Definition and establishment of a new Master Course on “Environmental Protection and Energy Efficient Buildings” in three TN, DZ and MO universities, with affiliation to other three universities. The main scope is the promotion of EU best practices in the terms of educational methodologies and specific knowledge related to the energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings. Two are the specific ...
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The MEDiterranean Public HEALTH Alliance (MED-HEALTH)

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

A solid public health system constitutes a pillar of advanced societies, capable of providing their citizens with an enabling environment for development and smart and inclusive societies. All countries in Europe and beyond need to address increasingly global health challenges with the support of innovative approaches and skilled professionals. To do so, HEIs need to introduce programmes with a wi ...
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modernising human Resource management In South mediterranean higher Education

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

There is a worldwide consensus today on the relevance of quality human resource management (HRM) for the optimisation of Higher Education Institutions’ performance. HEIs are facing increasingly complex contexts which require HRM models able to respond to new challenges in the selection, development and motivation of their staff. HR approaches focused on staff recruitment, organisation of employmen ...
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In the last two decades, and particularly since the onset of the global financial crisis, providing innovation-oriented knowledge has become a priority at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to address the widespread challenges of high unemployment towards smart and inclusive growth.At the global level, Asia is undergoing rapid changes and integrating into fast-evolving networks but growth is sev ...
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The reason of this project is to assess and describe the need for introducing vocational education at higher and tertiary levels and for establishing a Vocational Centers in Jordan universities and transfer of the EU experience in vocational training system and teaching.This project will focus on developing a vocational training program by constructing a vocational training center in Jordan univer ...
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