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8 projets européens trouvés

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Inclusive Europe

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

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Youth exchange: community engagement across generations

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

The seminar “Youth exchange: community engagement across generations” brought together youth workers from the European AFS network aiming to open up the world of youth exchanges for more involvement and learning across generations, leading to better overall participation, inclusion and solidarity of young people with the society as a whole. The specific objectives for the participants were to: - d ...
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...ether volunteers from the EFIL network to enhance the quality of the EC content of intercultural exchanges, namely the short and long term pupil exchanges and the EVS/ 18+ programmes promoted by AFS partners in Europe.The event will take place in Dworp (Belgium), involve 30 participants, 5 trainers and 2 support staff from 16 European countries, and happen in parallel to the Camp of the European ...
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The seminar “Democratic governance & leadership for the development of civil society” will bring together youth leaders from the EFIL/AFS network in order to exchange experience and discuss the democratic mechanisms in the participating organisations, as well as in their countries in the wider sense. The important focus of the seminar will be on the role of youth leaders in civil society organisat ...
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Learning from the clash of cultures - TfT

Date du début: 1 mars 2012,

The training course “Learning from the clash of cultures” will bring together youth trainers from the EFIL/AFS network in order to enhance conflict resolution and trainer competence, within the context of intercultural exchange and EVS programmes. The event will take place in Latvia, and will involve 25 participants, 4 trainers and 2 support staff from 16 European countries. EFIL, as the applicant ...
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Supporting volunteers : Mission 2011+

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010,

Linking national and European democratic participation is a training on representation, advocacy and democratic participation of young people active in YFU and AFS organisations in Europe. Its main aims are to link policy at European and national levels to the values and goals of YFU and AFS organisations in order to encourage young people's active participation and raise awareness of the interdep ...
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The proposed activity will bring together youth workers and volunteers from the AFS network in charge of EVS projects in order to discuss common rules and procedures for running the EVS programme and plan our common engagement in the European Year of Volunteering 2011 (EYV). The feasibility visit will take place in Leuven, Belgium for 3 days in December 2009 and will involve 16 participants from 9 ...
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EurAfrican partnership for change

Date du début: 1 nov. 2009,

...nhancing the Ghanaian, Kenyan and South African civil societies through the empowerment and capacity building of youth organisations and structures based in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. 12 European AFS organisations will share their expertise with 3 African youth organisations located in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa thus contributing to the development of stronger youth structures which will ul ...
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