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2 projets européens trouvés

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HIRF Synthetic Environment (HIRF SE)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 31 mai 2013,

...can be summarized by the following items: • Capability to deal with the increased use of composite materials and structures by the airframe industry. The HIRF SE framework will include the most advanced computational models for the numerical simulation of the EM characteristics and performance of composite materials. • Capability to deal with the complete internal and external electromagnetic env ...
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...thquake where it is essential to have a quick estimate of the building structural condition. Moreover, it will transform the SME dominated building rehabilitation sector into an advanced knowledge sector, enhance the competitiveness of European SMEs, reduce time to assess the structural condition of a building in service and decide on remedial measures, promote sustainability, offer services with ...
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