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8 projets européens trouvés

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Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data (ASGARD)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2020,

ASGARD has a singular goal, contribute to Law Enforcement Agencies Technological Autonomy and effective use of technology. Technologies will be transferred to end users under an open source scheme focusing on Forensics, Intelligence and Foresight (Intelligence led prevention and anticipation). ASGARD will drive progress in the processing of seized data, availability of massive amounts of data and ...
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PrEstoCloud project will make substantial research contributions in the cloud computing and real-time data intensive applications domains, in order to provide a dynamic, distributed, self-adaptive and proactively configurable architecture for processing Big Data streams. In particular, PrEstoCloud aims to combine real-time Big Data, mobile processing and cloud computing research in a unique way th ...
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Towards a EU framework for the security of Widezones (ZONESEC)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2018,

The advancement of 24/7 surveillance systems for the security of WideZones with multiple assets at localized scales is of extreme strategic relevance to European economies, industries, authorities and Citizens. Nevertheless, the cost for large deployments and maintenance of ground sensing networks for local surveillance across these WideZones is extremely high. Hence, large areas of high economic ...
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It is presently acknowledged and scientifically proven than climate related hazards have the potential to substantially affect the lifespan and effectiveness or even destroy of European Critical Infrastructures (CI), particularly the energy, transportation sectors, buildings, marine and water management infrastructure with devastating impacts in EU appraising the social and economic losses. The ma ...
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INSPEC2T projects’ scope is to develop a sustainable framework for Community Policing that effectively addresses and promotes seamless collaboration between the police and the community. INSPEC2T approach bases its conceptual foundations on EU crime prevention and Member States specific Internal Security Policies, validated research results and best practices from cooperation between police and lo ...
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Given the inability of Highly-Distributed-Application-Developers to foresee the changes as well as the heterogeneity on the underlying infrastructure, it is considerable crucial the design and development of novel software paradigms that facilitate application developers to take advantage of the emerging programmability of the underlying infrastructure and therefore develop Reconfigurable-by-Desig ...
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IMproving Preparedness and Response of HEalth Services in major criseS (IMPRESS)

Date du début: 1 mai 2014, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

There exists a huge variety in the occurrence and characteristics of major incidents. Incident management stakeholders and in particular emergency health service providers have to deal with two basic challenges: The disproportion between the needs and the available human/material resources in the response capacity and the inherent time constraints of an emergency. These critical factors play a sem ...
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Petty crimes pose a more significant threat to daily life of local communities. Crime increases due to socioeconomic criteria (wealth level of local community, unemployment rate, etc.) and its impact is becoming more critical due to recent economic crisis. This high rate of criminality infects the social and commercial environment which makes citizens and business reluctant to elaboration and welf ...
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