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15 projets européens trouvés

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Innovative training for Smart coastal management and Sustainable blue growth

Date du début: 15 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2019,

In a context of rapid economic growth impacting its coastal zone, Morocco must organize a marine and coastal management plan as stipulated in the 2015 Moroccan Coastal Act. However, Morocco is facing one main challenge: to found highly qualified personnel at postgraduate level, with technical and transversal skills, fully able to implement this policy. In this purpose, this Erasmus + Capacity b...
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SerIous Games pour la MAintenance des infrastructures ferroviaires

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

We are witnessing today the emergence of development and modernization projects planned for the railway sector. The strategic plan for development of the Maghreb countries Railways seeks to raise the rail productivity for both passenger and freight. A need to develop a predictive maintenance policy in the early phases of this plan must be accompanied by a high level of skills and human capital in ...
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Création d’un Master en Biotechnologies Végétales Appliquées

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

The main objective of this project is the creation in Rabat-Morocco University of a Master in Applied Plant Biotechnology in partnership with universities and centers/institutes from Europe and Morocco. It aims to improve the quality of higher education and relevance of this for the labor market and society at national and regional level. It also aims to improve the level of local expertise and te...
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MIMIr is primarly designed to aid, assist and soccour partner universities in South Neighbouring Countries to understand the status quo of their innovation and research, performance, efficacy, and practices and devise pathways to overcome impediments, hindrances, fiascos and pitfalls that prevent them from achieving recognised stature in the international landscape. The core tread to accomplish th...
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Les TICE appliquées à l'expérimentation scientifique

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

The Educational Technologies have taken over the past ten years, a remarkable growth of interest because they provide: saving time, space constraints, expensive instrumentation, constraints related to management, effective galloping students, flexibility of use, etc. ...They also offer the possibility of using new learning methodologies flexible and adaptable learners, leveraging the interactive f...
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RESeaU Méditerranéen pour l’Employabilité

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

This project aims at enhancing and reinforcing the role and potential of HEIs in the development of employability in the Mediterranean countries by adopting a transversal entrepreneurial mind-set at the HEIs and by opening and structuring the dialogue between the universities, the enterprises and the policy makers, addressing in this way the four priority actions established by the EC, OECD and ET...
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The project is designed to create in Maghreb a PhD school in regular PhD programs in water & environment, improve existing prerequisite courses and develop new modern courses to train staff and PhD students, through a regional Hydroplatform establishment based on open GIS and modeling softwares, to follow-up the recent water strategies in Maghreb (2010-2030).This goal is consistent with the HE sys...
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The scientific targets of the EUROSUNMED project are the development of new technologies in three energy field areas, namely photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP) and grid integration (GI), in strong collaboration with research institutes, universities and SMEs from Europe in the north side of the Mediterranean sea and from Morocco and Egypt from the south of the sea. The focus in PV ...
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The 2010-2011 youth-led wave of protests in the South and East Mediterranean, could be described as the coming on the scene of a new generation united by a shared experience of marginalisation and by new ways to protest and act. Important as this phenomenon could be for the future of the SEM, it still escapes the main frames of analysis utilised by academic research. Youth studies in the SEM, whil...
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Environmental policies focus on protecting habitats valuable for their biodiversity, as well as producing energy in cleaner ways. The establishment of Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks and installing Offshore Wind Farms (OWF) are important ways to achieve these goals. The protection and management of marine biodiversity has focused on placing MPAs in areas important for biodiversity. This has p...
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The MOSAIC project aims to foster R&D cooperation between Europe and Mediterranean Partner Countries under European and third country programmes. MOSAIC focuses on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and how ICT can support common EU-MED societal challenges among which Health and wellbeing, Food and agriculture, Clean Energy, Green Integrated Transport and Risk Management for critical...
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S’inscrivant dans le processus de Bologne, le Maroc a adopté l'architecture pédagogique LMD depuis 2003. Le présentprojet s'inscrit dans le renforcement de la convergence des systèmes d'enseignement supérieur marocain et européen. Le projet vise la mise en place d’un système de crédits ECTS et du supplément au diplôme. L’alignement au système ECTS est de nature à promouvoir la lisibilité de notr...
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Le projet DEVEN3C a comme objectif principal d'encourager l’auto-emploi innovateur chez les étudiants comme perspective d’avenir professionnel, en établissant des services d'appui à la création des entreprises dans les universités et en promouvant l’enseignement entrepreneurial dans les cursus académiques des établissements à accès ouvert (facultés) selon la stratégie adoptée à cet égard par la ré...
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L'objectif élargi de ce projet est d’introduire une véritable stratégie pour l’inclusion et l’égalité des chances dans l’enseignement supérieur marocain et dans la société marocaine en général. Nous proposons d'évaluer la situation de l'inclusion et de l'égalité des chances dans les universités marocaines en s’intéressant à 4 groupes d’étudiants avec des problèmes liés à: - l’handicap- la diversit...
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