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8 projets européens trouvés

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Basic skills (literacy, numeracy, science, technology, English as a second language) are the foundation for further learning and are a gateway to employment and social inclusion, according Europe 2020 - the EU's strategic growth strategy. A key factor for achieving smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth is to implement policies, programmes and projects aimed at raising attainment levels and imp...
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Overall objective of the project “Acquiring new knowledge and practices in the field of management systems by TEHNIKAL TRAINING BULGARIA LTD. Trainers” is to enhance the expertise and practical experience of 12 trainers in the field of management systems, in terms of innovative methods, approaches and practices for conducting of training courses for “Internal auditors” and “Management representati...
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Erasmus + Mobility project for VET graduates from 2014 to 2016 . Our application 's main goal is to let students in Restaurant and Food Processing ( RFP) , Health Care ( HC ) and Sport Sciences ( SS) get an opportunity to acquire knowledge within their disciplines in companies that have good training strategies and wanting to learn away their qualifications to students from another country . Almos...
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Policy NGO "Tehnical Training Bulgaria LTD” is supporting the social and professional integration of people who train with us, offering them a modern European education.The main objective of the project is to train our staff with safe and proficient techniques before exposing them to the construction labour market, thereby increasing the Bulgarian skill base through best practice.The project “Impl...
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The project focuses on training for maritime personnel (working on ships and in ports) and intends to elaborate a competence portfolio of new professions in the sector and disseminate it in order to promote professional mobility. The main aims of the project are: to analyse and address emerging training needs in various aspects of marine transport in the partner countries, with a view to identifyi...
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The project aims to provide training in forestry monitoring and auditing in order to support the implementation of EU policy on forest conservation and environmental protection. To achieve these goals, project partners will develop a multimedia training package which will include background information on European and country-specific frameworks in consideration of forestry development and protect...
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The project aims at developing a methodology for the production, assessment, validation of learning objects easily downloadable, structured for didactic purposes, and usable by different target groups, duly supported with directions for use. A small laboratory for testing the learning objects will be created, where a wide range of platforms will be assessed too, in terms of strengths and weaknesse...
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BEST project is designed to respond to the urgent language training needs of our contemporary society by matching vocational education and training to the rapidly developing sectors of economy. The enlargement of the European Union imposes specific demands on people’s language skills directly related to employability, free movement of people on the labour market and the new emphasis in certain ind...
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