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3 projets européens trouvés

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Pracovní zkušenosti prostřednictvím stáží Erasmus+

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

The aim of the project “Work Experience through Erasmus+ Internships" is an improvement of theoretical knowledge and mainly practical professional skills of 24 students from graduation branch 39-41-L/01 “Autotronik” during their two-week educational stay-mobility in English Plymouth. The students will gain the opportunity of new experiences connected with their professional specialization through...
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The project: To work together = get to know each other, involves pupils and staff of both partners (schools in Haviřov - the Czech Republic and Jastrzebie - Poland) into the activities whose common goal is to get to know the life and the working style in the partner´s country, region and school better. Two schools with the similar technical orientation and personnel, which have been cooperating in...
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Odborná praxe v zahraničí = lepší uplatnění na trhu práce

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

The aim of the project “Internship Abroad = Better Position on the Labour Market” is an improvement of theoretical knowledge and mainly practical professional skills of 12 students from graduation branch 39-41-L/01 “Autotronik” during their two-week educational stay-mobility in English Portsmouth. The students will gain the opportunity of new experiences connected with their professional specializ...
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