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16 projets européens trouvés

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Empowering Professionals to support Young Carers

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018,

The project targets youth workers in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Scotland who work with young carers directly or indirectly.Young carers can be defined as young people who provide assistance or support to another family member. They carry out, often on a regular basis, significant or substantial caring tasks and assume a level of responsibility which would not usually be associated with t...
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nExt generation eMergencY commuNicatiOnS (EMYNOS)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

Current emergency systems and 112 services are based on legacy telecommunication technologies, which cannot cope with IP-based services that European citizens use every day. Some of the related limitations are the partial media support (so far, only voice calls and SMS are accepted), the lack of integration of social media, and the use of an analog modem for providing eCall services with limited d...
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The project “Open Up! The vital role of youth organisations regarding the inclusion of young refugees” will gather over 20 international youth organisations and national youth councils to pursue one common goal: encouraging youth organisations to “open up” for young refugees/migrants and to shape youth policies focusing on the inclusion of young refugees/migrants.This will be done in a two-step pr...
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„SCHLAU – Summer Camp to foster Humanity, Leadership, Active Participation and Understanding towards most vulnerable“ takes place from 19th to 28th of August 2016. 42 young adults aged 18-30 years from Austria, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Germany and Latvia will gather in Lviv/Urkaine. As indicated in the name, the camp aims at fostering humanity amongst youth by focusing on methods which allow par...
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Active 80+: Valueing and valorizing the knowledge and skills of people 80+

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

The European Union is facing a longevity revolution, with a remarkable increase in life expectancy and a growing number of older people. The portion of people 80+ is characterized by special growth. In 2060, so the forecasts, every 8th person will belong to the age group 80+, almost quadrupling the portion at the start of the millennium (Eurostat). Many of these older persons will suffer from deme...
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What is missing so far in the European Union are disaster management procedures, tools and systems which fully take into account the specific characteristics and requirements of large-scale international cooperation in emergency situations. These characteristics are distinguished by many diverse emergency response organisations that need to collaborate across technological systems, organisational ...
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In einer Grenzregion muss es für Rettungsorganisationen selbstverständlich sein, im Ernstfall auch grenzüberschreitend den von Naturkatastrophen oder Unfällen betroffenen Personen medizinische oder psychologische Hilfe und Versorgung mit Nahrungsmitteln und Notunterkünften zukommen zu lassen. Die Abläufe im Katastrophenfall müssen effizient und rasch durchgeführt werden.Gerade in einer Grenzregion...
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EU meets Caucasus - youth supports sustainbale climate change adaption

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 16 sept. 2014,

`EU meets Caucasus` is a youth exchange program taking place in Bakuriani, Georgia from August 1 - 10, 2014, which brings young people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belarus, Germany and Georgia together to jointly work on the topic of climate change. The exchange builds on an existing partnership in the course of the EU-funded Eastern Partnership project “Climate Forum East” (www.climatefo...
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INNOvation Management Models for SECurity Organizations (INNOSEC)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2014,

"The InnoSec project will make a strong contribution to developing and helping deploy effective and efficient innovation management systems for Security organisations in Europe.InnoSec will produce a unique modular model, together with a roadmap, for implementing and improving innovation management in public and private security end-users create new methodologies and built upon best practices in t...
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vní pomoc a prevence úrazů bez hranic (CZ.04.4.83/

Date du début: 7 mars 2007, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2007,

Účast na bilaterálních soutěžích první pomoci a akcích vztahujících se k prevenci úrazů. Rakousko: 17. – 20.5. 2007 Landeslager 2007 für Jugendrotkreuzgruppen 17.5. příjezd a zahájení soutěže, organizační pokyny 18.5. projekt „voda“ – ekologická tématika 19.5. soutěž v první pomoci + vyhodnocení výsledků soutěže 20.5. rozloučení a odjezd ČR: Mladé Bříště – Soutěž v první pomoci 20....
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Projekt Spolupráce Českého a Rakouského červeného kříže v přípravě na katastrofy je orientován na podporu realizace dvou společných výcvikově - vzdělávacích akcí Českého (ČČK) a Rakouského červeného kříže (ÖRK) v roce 2006. Tyto akce jsou primárně určeny členům Humanitárních jednotek ČČK v Jihočeském kraji a jednotek ÖRK Oberösterreich (Mühlviertel). Formou zajištění odborné spolupráce se dále úča...
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Svatý Kámen 2005 (CZ.04.4.83/

Date du début: 31 août 2005, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2005,

Projekt Svatý Kámen 2005 je orientován na přípravu a realizaci součinnostního cvičení (pod identickým názvem Svatý Kámen 2005) Humanitárních jednotek Českého červeného kříže (ČČK) Jihočeského kraje a jednotek Rakouského červeného kříže (ÖRK) příhraničních oblastí (Mühlviertel, Waldviertel) v termínu 22. - 25. září 2005. Formou zajištění odborné spolupráce se účastní i další druhosledové složky jak...
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"PROTECT" aims to improve access to life-long learning for migrants and boost their participation in education – by making the voluntary sector more accessible to them as a place of learning and encouraging them to make use of the opportunities available. There are three interconnected levels of activity:* Actor level: awareness-raising and competency development among voluntary organisations whic...
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The SLIC project aimed to empower older people to become active citizens, encouraging the development of skills and competences through formal and informal learning opportunities and through directly linking the concepts of lifelong learning and community involvement. A two-day competence workshop was developed and delivered, involving older people from a range of different backgrounds, which allo...
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This thematic network is the result of several pilot projects that experimentedtransnational exchanges of senior European Volunteers. This proved to be a powerfuleducational tool not only for the senior volunteers who take part in projects based in adifferent European country, but also for the organisations of the civil society and thelocal communities hosting them. The network is based on 4 Europ...
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The aim of the proposed project is to develop methods to empower older people tobecome active citizens and at the same time raise awareness for and encourage themto develop their skills and competences through formal and in-formal learningopportunities. The SLIC-project will make a contribution to explicitly link the concepts ofparticipation, community involvement and life-long learning. The proje...
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