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2 projets européens trouvés

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Net is the key

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The title of the partnership “Net is the key” explains in a nutshell the aim of this project : the focus will be on the use of ICT tools and Internet to develop key competences skills in pupils (communicating; being creative; working with others; managing information and critical thinking ;understanding safety, security and well-being when using ICT, developing “digital citizenship”) and to i...
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Background of the project: The aim of our project is to build potencial of school in areas of healthy lifestyle and protecting environment, what will be the way of balanced students' development. In our Erasmus+ project there are 11 countries, Poland-the coordinator, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Latvia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia and Romania. Our primary school children have heathly pro...
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