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5 projets européens trouvés

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Vocational Assessor Requirements in Europe

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The "VARE" project aims to identify the requirements for assessment and assessors in vocational training programmes across the European Union to support the development of partnership working for the purposes of mobility in VET. At present, research has identified a lack of transparency in quality assurance in VET, especially in assessment and validation. Little attention has so far been paid to t...
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European Solutions in Quality Assurance

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

The "European Solutions in Quality Assurance - ESQA" project will be carried out by a partnership of 4 institutions from Poland, UK, Estonia and Slovenia. It is focused on exchange of experience and information on quality assurance in partner countries in order to create the catalogue of good practice supporting VET schools and their supervising bodies as well as policy makers in performing thei...
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The vocational offer for the staff of tourism service and those complementary to it - touristic transport, guiding, tourism offices, centres of touristic information, regional promotion agencies, etc. do not include adequate training or do not include at all training on the provision of quality service to clients with special needs. In a view of demographic changes and progress in medicine the pop...
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The Quality increase in training systems results from the close connection between training programmes and the market demands. The project provided the research of current entrepreneurs’ needs in the area of production processes organization, determining skills of the workers is indispensable in their work in order to achieve optimal realisation of the production process and then to relate diagnos...
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The research conducted by FIRR in 2009 indicated that there were significant barriers in accessibility of hotel/accommodation and catering services to people with various disabilities. Only 2% of examined hotels employed person using sign language. None of them offered information or other material printed in Braille. In case of catering services, more than half of them were inaccessible for peo...
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