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4 projets européens trouvés

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The PANACHE project aims at networking Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Channel area, in order to determine common assessment and management methods, taking into consideration the ecological coherence of those cross-border marine areas. The project also provides for the development of joint strategies for protecting birds in those coastal areas. ...
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Channel Catchments Cluster (3C)

Date du début: 22 avr. 2013, Date de fin: 29 janv. 2015,

The aim of the 3C “Channel Catchments Cluster” is to gather, share and disseminate best practices and tools developed in the context of various Interreg IV A France (Channel) - England projects to make scientific recommendations for better water quality.
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Restoration of the mid Cornwall Moors for the Euphydryas aurinia (Cornwall Moors)

Date du début: 17 mars 2003, Date de fin: 30 juin 2008,

Background The marsh fritillary butterfly, (Euphydryas aurinia), has suffered a 20-50% decline in its distribution in Europe over the past 25 years. The rate of decline in the UK has been particularly severe, mainly as a consequence of the loss of traditional livestock grazing, which leads to unmanaged pastures. The Breney Common and Goss and Tregoss M...
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Date du début: 6 avr. 2002, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

A 4-year co-operation exercise between 7 partners in the UK, France and Ireland, this project, led by the UK Environment Agency (Cornwall), aims to develop a common, transferable and integrated approach to planning and management of natural (water) resources in the coastal zone by looking at the whole catchment area. It is innovative in its transnational approach to the management of coastal water...
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