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2 projets européens trouvés

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CV: Curriculum Voluntarius

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012,

Center E8 proposes to host a Training entitled “CV: Curriculum Voluntarius” for young people from Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Greece from 17th - 23rd, March 2013 in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Main goal of this project is to kindle young people’s spirit of initiative and promote volunteering as an instrument for young people’s active partici ...
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NGO „IUVENTA“, as hosting organization, will coordinate a 9-days TC, taking place in Vrnjacka Banja (Serbia) on the theme of Migration in Europe and its consequences to youth and youth work, planned to involve 31 participants from 15 different countries in Europe This project aims at the empowerment of members of various NGOs with knowledge about migration.Today the world has more than 200 million ...
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