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5 projets européens trouvés

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The project "Opportunities for all? Mainstreaming gender equality in European youth projects" is aimed to shareexperiences and knowledge on how gender equality can be promoted and mainstreamed in youth projects aswell as how to ensure gender equality in youth work with young people. The objectives of the planned TCtherefore are: to identify challenges young people face in relation to gender equali ...
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Green rights

Date du début: 1 janv. 2011,

In nowadays context we are facing an increasing critical situation in matters of global warming and it becomes necessary to highlight the human rights implications of environmental issues. Many international documents have contributed to elaborate these concepts (from the Stockholm Declaration in 1972, until the Conference of Rio de Janeiro in 1992)."Green rights" Youth exchange is a project which ...
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Date du début: 15 déc. 2009,

Due to the lack of awareness and knowledge about prejudices, stereotypes and conflict management in formal education system, we find it necessary to discuss these topics with volunteers from associations, operating in areas where local conflicts exist. The objectives of the exchange are focusing on local conflicts in participants' communities, recognizing the reason why conflicts start, finding ho ...
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"Keep up" is a Training Course for EVS mentors and coordinators. Its main aim is to increase the quality of EVS projects through providing training and support to EVS mentors and coordinators from South-East Europe and Programme countries.The project also aims to provide the participants with knowledge aiļd practical experience regarding the concept of EVS and Youth in Action Programme in general; ...
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