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3 Steps To Be Intercultural
Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project "3 Steps to be Intercultural", which will take place in Laconi (a little village in the centre of Sardinia), is promoted by the informal group of young people “Giovani Iddocca”, and would like to involve 30 participants from 5 different countries of the European Union. The planning idea is focused about two main topics: the intercultural dialogue and the active involvement of the youngsters. Just as reported in the title, the project is divided in three consequential "steps". The purpose is to realize a path that has, as its goals, to encourage the young participants to leave their prejudices and stereotypes toward other cultures (as a result of their educational background). The project want also to push them to create an intercultural dialogue and stimulating a greater awareness of multiculturalism, through different artistic forms that go from theatre to music up to visual arts. In the first phase, the young participants will realize a presentation framework of the participant cultures, through the basic knowledge they have of these. Afterwards, in the second "step" of the project, the group will explore the knowledges of the different national cultures through the presentation of their own customs and traditions. This will be realized through the different artistic forms proposed. Finally, in the last phase of the exchange, the group will work on a final presentation about the intercultural dialogue. Through a public performance, a flash-mob or a short film, the group will represent the different cultures using, as means of communication, the theatre, the music, the dance and the visual arts. The aim of encouraging the active involvement will be pursued also through the realization of several activities such as "community work" (with the intent of make the participants build something concrete for the hosting village) and "open space" (an activity in which the participants will be able to provide their own skills and knowledges to the community and the group). Moreover, as regards the Program "Erasmus Plus", there is a practical workshop that will allow the students to fully understand the structure and functionality of the Program.



4 Participants partenaires