Rechercher des projets européens

2nd National Selection Conference of the European Youth Parliament Luxembourg: Luxembourg 2015
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This projects set out to organise a parliamentary simulation event, gathering 150 participants from over 20 countries, to bring young people from all over Europe together to exchange ideas and opinions and put forward their own proposals and recommendations. The partners in this project believe that non-formal as well as informal learning experiences and peer learning can greatly enhance the level of key competences and skills of young people. Summarised, the goals we set out to achieved and believe to have achieved are to · Introduce the participants to international teamwork and peer learning; · Offer the participants the possibility to discuss current European issues with each other and with decision-makers and to put forward their recommendations; · Enable participants to acquaint themselves with the democratic processes of the European Union; · To enable the participants to meet with peers from all over Europe, learn from each others similarities and differences and to make new friends; · Introduce the participants to volunteering and offer them concrete ways on how to stay involved in youth organisations; · Help the participants to acquire long-term competences that will enhance their future career chances.



10 Participants partenaires