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100Mirrors Inclusive Tools for the motivation of enterprising disabled women
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The aim of this project is to promote inclusive entrepreneurship for women with disabilities by developing a methodology based on coaching, mentoring and job shadowing of women with physical disabilities willing to become entrepreneurs. Coaching and mentoring will be done by successful disable women entrepreneurs supported by trainers. The project will also develop a Needs and state of the art analysis, a number of videos and a E-book with testimonies of successful entrepreneurs affected by disability, a Guide and E-training on how to coach people with disabilities for inclusive entrepreneurship, a Manual and E-training addressed to people with disabilities.This project is fully innovative first because it supports women with physical disabilities to develop their inclusive entrepreneurial skills and second and foremost because in the process they will be supported by other disabled women. Women with disabilities will also be involved in the project activities from the outset by contributing to development and giving feedback on the main Intellectual Outputs produced by the project, experiences of mentors will be shared in different countries, disabled women and disabled entrepreneurs will participate to one mobility in partner countries so to visits institutions for disabled, foreign entrepreneurs with disability and learn about best practices. The project is complementary to other projects already carried out since partners will use their prior experience and networks in thisproject. The project is continuation of 100 Mirors project- but this time we will select from 5 European countries 100 disabled women entrepreneurs who will serve as models for others wishing to start their own businesses or strengthening their creative and entrepreneurial skills, we will analyse how women became entrepreneurs, what methods they followed, the difficulties encountered and their ratings on key competences and we will exchange best practices on how to support development of inclusive entreprenurship.In the EU only 47% of persons with disabilities are employed compared to 72% of persons without disabilities. At national levelemployment rates can be so low as the 20% in Croatia. The employment of people with disabilities differs also according to gender,the rate of women with disabilities in OECD countries is only 19.6%.According to Wikipedia, inclusive entrepreneurship is about a set of attitudes, competences and skills which allow people to turntheir dreams into concrete projects or “enterprises” and then see these through to fruition. Inclusive entrepreneurship can beapplied to self-employment, starting or growing micro or small enterprises and to social enterprise using business based approachesdriven by social mission. The use of the word 'inclusive' indicates a belief that entrepreneurship is for all and that the personalqualities and conditions required for entrepreneurship are not the prerogative of a privileged, highly educated few. Inclusiveentrepreneurship is about supporting entrepreneurs from all backgrounds by creating a genuinely level playing field. This involvesunderstanding and then overcoming the barriers faced by different people in different places. It is about unleashing the creativepotential that people have within them and using this to create a more sustainable future for all of us.Thanks to the project, over 8.000 members of target groups will be informed about the project, and 600 people with disabilities and260 trainers and entrepreneurs will be involved on it at different levels.This project is submitted by a consortium of 6 organizations (from PL, ES, LV, GR, MT) working with disadvantaged groups, especiallywith people with disabilities to help them in returning to labor market through training and guidance services, as well as promotingof best practices from EU



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