Topic Description
Specific Challenge:
Organized crime and terrorist organizations are often at the forefront of technological innovation in planning, executing and concealing their criminal activities and the revenues stemming from them. Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) are often lagging behind when tackling criminal activities supported by "advanced" technologies.
Sub-topic: 1.cyber-crime: virtual/crypto currencies des-anonymisation/tracing/impairing where they support underground markets in the darknet.
Sub-topic: 2.detection and neutralization of rogue/suspicious light drone/UAV flying over restricted areas, and involving as beneficiaries, where appropriate, the operators of infrastructure
Sub-topic: analysis in the context of legal investigation
Sub-topic: Others.
Proposals in additional areas (Sub-topic: “Others”) are welcome, provided that it involves a sufficient number of LEAs (see eligibility criteria).
Only the sub-topics not covered in 2016 will remain eligible in 2017. A list of topics that remain eligible in 2017 will be published in due time in the section "Topic Conditions & Documents" for this topic on the Participant Portal.
The outcome of the proposal is expected to lead to development up to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6; please see part G of the General Annexes.
Indicative budget: The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of € 5million would allow for this topic to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact:
Short term:
Medium/Long term:
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