There is a need to better identify, analyse, model and map resources and solutions making energy demand more efficient and match it with efficient sustainable energy sources at the least cost. Such public planning is already mandated in the Energy Efficiency Directive through the 5-yearly Comprehensive Assessment for efficient heating and cooling. This needs to be done at local, regional and national levels to help develop energy strategies and ensure their consistency at national level and with EU policies. Today only a few public authorities have the expertise, knowledge and tools to perform heat and cooling mapping and planning. The future demand on public energy planning necessitates that such modelling tools are available and used as part of the policy making processes of public authorities.
Scope:Actions are needed to mainstream and further develop methods and tools of heating and cooling planning (heat planning) in the administrative practices of public authorities. Heat planning is an iterative process, as plans need to be updated regularly[[This is essential, if the EU is to achieve its 2020 and 2030 energy efficiency objectives and further progress with energy demand moderation. The Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) mandates that the national Comprehensive Heating and Cooling Assessments are updated every five years; updates should be of increasing accuracy, coverage and efficacy.]].
The planning tools should be able to process large and complex data sets to provide a detailed and comprehensive description of the existing energy system and the dynamic development of all relevant supply and demand elements within a given geography (generation units, renewable and residual energy sources, infrastructures, buildings' energy consumption and quantity and ‘quality’ (temperature) of the thermal supply sources and that of the demand) and allow modelling of the possible scenarios reflecting hourly, seasonal and yearly variations in supply and demand to optimally reach energy goals. The heat and cooling mapping tool should be able to link with other types of maps (e.g. spatial, infrastructure, renewable energy sources maps). It should be capable of modelling flexibility needed for integrating variable renewable energy, and demand response and enable analysing the impact of the increasing number of low energy buildings (building renovation programmes, introduction of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings).
The modelling tools should be user friendly and open source yet able to model the full energy system, i.e. heating and cooling, electricity and transport. The tools should include instruction and training modules and be validated, demonstrated and piloted with the target groups. The activities are expected to be implemented at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5-7 (please see part G of the General Annexes).
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2.5 and 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact:Proposals are expected to demonstrate the impacts listed below, using quantified indicators and targets wherever possible:
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