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Low Cost, Smart Tooling for Composites
Date de clôture : 5 oct. 2016  

 Matières premières
 Technologie aérospatiale
 Industries aéronautiques
 Horizon Europe

Topic Description
Specific Challenge:

The objective of this topic is the design and manufacturing a smart tooling for an advanced automatic composites manufacturing process for the engine integration on fuselage structure of Large Passenger Aircraft.
The aim of this innovative automatic composites process is to achieve improvements in the following fields:
§ Low Cost/ Natural Materials,
§ Eco‐design,
§ Energy savings,
§ Manufacturing processes simplification‐Production time savings
always ensuring that each one of the single parts manufactured with the prototype tooling fit with the Aeronautical quality standards.

Lien officiel :   Disponible pour les utilisateurs enregistrés