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Acceptance of "no gate crossing point solutions"
Date de clôture : 24 août 2017  

 Horizon Europe

Topic Description
Specific Challenge:

For the traveller it would be ideal to cross borders without being slowed down. It is indeed likely that, in the next 10 years or so, technologies make it possible to implement "no gate crossing point solutions" that allow for seamless crossing of borders and security checks for the vast majority of travellers who meet the conditions of entry, and make sure that those who do not fulfil such conditions are refused entry.

There is a broad variety of technologies and systems including information systems and (networks of) sensors that will become available to support border checks based on risk-assessment methods. Some are to be deployed in the vicinity of border crossing points, others can be mobile and used to check travellers data along his/her journey.

However, in the intensive use of technologies that this will require bears the risk to invading people’s privacy, and the societal and political acceptance of technologies for “no gate solutions” is required prior to their implementation.


The assessment of the acceptability of such (combinations of) technologies and systems by citizens (who need to remain in control of personal data) and practitioners is needed, that takes account of human behaviour, gender, legal frameworks, societal issues, and possible risk of discrimination.

Methods developed to perform such assessments need also to generate information useful for decision makers to take informed decisions about future technology deployments, and for industry to design products that preserve privacy.

Indicative budget: The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of € 3million would allow for this topic to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected Impact:
  • Information systems that better manage personal information and support the automated checking and analysing of various entry and exit data, without increasing the risk of loss of privacy thanks to close cooperation with actions resulting from SEC-15-BES–2017: Risk-based screening at border crossing.
  • Networks of sensors that better collect information needed for border checks, without increasing the risk of loss of privacy thanks to close cooperation with actions resulting from SEC-15-BES–2017.
  • A method, and metrics, to assess acceptability by the society of the concept of border control processes based on "no gate crossing point solutions”, and of the various technology components that may be required.

Lien officiel :   Disponible pour les utilisateurs enregistrés