The challenge is to develop and demonstrate new advanced tools based on the first experiences of ocean energy arrays. Enabling technical risk reduction and attracting investors for future innovative array designs.
Scope:Design tools for array of wave and tidal energy converters have been developed. Single devices have already been deployed and the first arrays are planned for 2016 onwards. Based on the experience with the first ocean energy arrays the design tools can be developed further and a 2nd generation of advanced tools is foreseen which will have a significant positive effect on future devices and arrays. The impact of design on energy yield, survivability and O&M as well as environmental impacts should be taken into account. These tools should facilitate a significant increase in reliability, survivability, performance improvement and cost reduction of devices and arrays.
TRL 6 shall be achieved at the end of project activities (please see part G of the General Annexes).
The action should clearly include an (economic) analysis of supply chains and (potential) markets and assess economic feasibility, develop a cost-benefit methodology and propose pricing methods. Eventually new or improved business and management models can be proposed.
Proposals should aim to critically evaluate relevant legal, institutional and political frameworks and ask how, why and under what conditions these could act as a barrier or an enabling element for future deployment of ocean energy.
Opening the project's test sites, pilot and demonstration facilities, or research infrastructures for practice oriented education, training or knowledge exchange is encouraged.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 5 to 7 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact:The action will reduce the technological risks for the next development stages, significantly contribute to an increase in technology performance, increase reliability and lifetime, while decreasing operation and maintenance costs, reduce the life-cycle environmental and socio-economic impacts, and reduce ocean energy technology installation time and cost and/or operational costs, hence easing the deployment of ocean energy sources within the energy mix.
The new design tools will eventually result in more cost-effective arrays and hence will reduce the cost of energy. It is expected that as a result of this action ocean energy would become more commercially attractive for investors.
The action should also contribute to the strengthening the European industrial technology base, thereby creating growth and jobs in Europe.
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