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Raising Awareness on migrant's contribution to EU Societies - AMIF-2017-AG-INTE-01
Date de clôture : 1 mars 2018  

 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Personnes defavorisées
 Aide humanitaire
 Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
 Aide aux réfugiés
 Éducation et formation
 Jeunes travailleurs
 Migrants et Réfugiés


In the current context characterised by negative perceptions on migration among some segments of the public opinion, the integration of third-country nationals can be facilitated by communication activities promoting a positive narrative on migration and presenting the contribution that third-country nationals can make to societies in different areas. Considering that such communication and awareness raising activities will be all the more effective if promoted by a variety of stakeholders, it is particularly relevant to promote partnerships among local, regional and national authorities as well as civil society organisations with the aim to develop and implement such initiatives.

The objectives of this priority are to:

  • Support awareness raising projects aiming at highlighting the positive contribution of migrants to our societies;

  • Communicating real facts about migration and integration;

  • Combating stereotypes against third-country nationals;

  • Contribute to giving a voice to third-country nationals in the public debate on migration and integration.

Projects applications submitted under the present call for proposals under priority 1 can include the following activities (this list is non-exhaustive):

  • projects in schools, sport clubs or youth clubs – targeting youth in particular;

  • creation of audio-visual campaigns, also to be distributed to the public at large through the use of social media, which can include testimonies from third-country nationals and EU citizens on their personal experiences related to migration and integration;

  • training for media professionals on how to find and communicate real facts about migration and the contribution of migrants to society;

  • public communication campaigns by local or regional authorities.

Projects should in particular aim at providing clearer facts on migration and integration as there is a knowledge gap among EU citizens (for instance people tend to overestimate the size of migration). Communication activities should be evidence-based (facts and figures) in order to build a positive narrative on migration and integration and contribute to change perceptions in that respect, even if the use of anecdotal evidence and story-telling can also play a role. Existing information and data on public perceptions on migration should be taken into account, for instance the data made available by the recently created Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration[1].

Effective ways of communicating on migration/integration should be proposed through the projects including by adapting key messages to specific audiences which have negative preconceived attitudes towards migration/integration.


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