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Micro Projects - Interreg France England (Channel Manche)
Date de clôture : 24 oct. 2017  

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Personnes defavorisées
 Développement durable
 Coopération interrégionale

What are Micro Projects?

  • We have set up a Micro Project initiative to attract and encourage new organisations to take part in small-scale cross-border cooperation projects.
  • A Micro Project can be submitted under any of the Programme's 5 specific objectives.
  • The length of a Micro Project is limited to 24 months, plus an extra 3 months for closure of the project.
  • Micro projects are limited to 5 partners. There must be a minimum of 2 (1 French and 1 English within the Programme area)



The France (Channel) England Programme has 3 Priorities divided into 5 Specific Objectives, which express the changes that the Programme plans to deliver within the eligible Area.

1. Support Innovation in order to address the economic and societal issues facing the France (Channel) England Area 

1.1 - To increase the delivery and uptake of innovative products, processes, systems and services in shared smart specialisation sectors 

The Programme is aiming to support the economy of the Programme Area by building upon its existing research excellence. Whilst certain areas of the Programme Area, mainly in the South East of England, are considered to have a good performance in Innovation, this is not reflected across the entire Programme Area.

The Programme would therefore like to see the better performing regions and institutions in the Programme Area support the areas which are performing less well to bring up the standard of innovation across the Programme Area as a whole.

Additionally, it was recognised in the analysis of the Programme Area that SMEs have a lower than average performance in R&D, and the Programme is aiming to support their involvement in the commercialisation of research in the Programme Area to work towards overcoming this.

1.2 - Increase the quality and the effectiveness of service delivery to the most socially and economically disadvantaged groups through social innovation

The preparatory phase for the programme pinpointed the challenges that the programme will address:

  • Need to support the development of innovative solutions to address the societal challenges faced by the most socially and economically disadvantaged groups
  • Need to enable the active population to play their part in economic revitalisation, including by enhancing skills through innovative training/retraining.

The programme will therefore use cross-border cooperation to develop new systems and services to support those furthest from the labour market and the ageing population through social innovation. Social innovation is an opportunity to find solutions to address unemployment, poverty and social exclusion at a cross-border level.

2. Support the transition to a low-carbon economy in the France (Channel) England Area 

2.1 Increase the development and uptake of existing or new low-carbon technologies in the sectors that have the highest potential for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

This specific objective is aimed at the need to further develop renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in the Programme Area.

The focus is on both bringing new products to the market and bringing existing products from the research stage to being rolled out. To do this the Programme has a similar approach to Specific Objective 1.1 in that it aims to support research and the commercialisation of research in the Programme Area.

At the same time the Programme intends to support organisations to implement and make use of low-carbon technologies and reducing their carbon footprint. This aims to increase demand in the Programme Area for these products whilst at the same time investment in research should increase supply.

 3. Enhance the attractiveness of the territories of the France (Channel) England Area 

3.1- Realise the potential of the common natural and cultural assets to deliver innovative and sustainable growth 

The focus of this Specific Objective is to develop the economic potential of the Programme’s natural and cultural heritage. By investing in this Specific Objective the Programme aims to improve the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the Programme’s cultural and natural heritage, and to support economic growth through developing a more competitive tourism offer.

This has the aim of increasing not only the regions appeal to visitors, but making it a more appealing place to live and work with the intention of attracting businesses and therefore jobs to the area.

3.2 - Enhance and protect the coastal and transitional water ecosystems 

This Specific Objective is aimed at the protection of the environment and its eco-systems. In particular, the Programme is looking to fund more effective and efficient management of the environment. The aim is to support the people and economy of the Programme Area through the realisation of benefits such as protection against environmental risks (e.g mitigating the impact of climate change), and better public health from a protected environment. This includes management of ecosystem services.

Transitional water are bodies of surface water in the vicinity of river mouths which are partly saline in character as a result of their proximity to coastal waters but which are substantially influenced by freshwater flows.


How much funding?

  • The maximum project budget is €500,000 (ERDF contribution €400,000)
  • The European Regional Development funding contribution is capped at 80% per project. The rest of the project must be funded through match-funding.

Who is Eligible?

  • Charities and any business or organisation that employs less than 50 people and has a turnover of less than €10 million
  • All local authorities (EN) and collectivités publiques (FR)

How do I apply?

  • You will need to a complete an application form. Unlike regular projects Micro Projects only have a one phase application process instead of two.
  • Applications must be submitted by the eMS (Electronic management system) on our website. You can however pre-prepare the content by filling out an offline template in Word.
  • Applications can only be submitted during one of the two calls for projects a year. 
  • The next call for Micro Projects takes place between 10 October 2017 and the 24 October 2017.

More information?

  • Our guidance note contains more information on Micro Projects.
  • If you’re interested in finding out more or have a potential project idea, contact your local programme facilitator. A full list can be found here.
  • We have produced this summary of Micro Projects which we encourage you to share with potential partners who may be interested in the initiative.


Is a Micro Project right for you? The table below shows how the Micro Project scheme differs from a regular project.


ERDF intervention rate Up to 80%


Total budget €400,000 ERDF maximum contribution

€500,000 maximum total budget


Project duration 27 months (including 3 months closure)


Partnership requirements

At least one partner from each country within the Programme area. 

A maximum of 5 partners.


Eligible organisations

Charities, (association loi 1901 for French partners) and businesses employing fewer than 50 persons and whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed €10 million

All local authorities in the UK and “collectivités publiques” in France 


Calls Two calls for projects a year


Application process One-phase application to be submitted on eMS


Work plans in application form

2 compulsory Work Packages (WP) (Preparation, Management) and 3 WP maximum for Implementation


Preparation lump sum*

€12,400 paid to the lead partner


*Please note that the lump sum is subject to change

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