EUREKA Canada – Spain Call for Joint R&D Projects
Date de clôture : 7 oct. 2016  

 Innovation sociale
 Énergie intelligente
 Équipement médical
 Biotechnologie agricole
 Électronique et microélectronique
 Fabrication industrielle

Call description

This is the 3rd Call for Proposal between Canada and Spain for collaborative, industrially-driven R&D projects aimed at developing innovative technologies, products, processes and services for target civilian markets.  The bilateral call uses the EUREKA Network process, a proven international partnering platform of which both Canada and Spain are members.  

The National Authorities responsible for this call are the National Research Council Canada (NRC) and the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), with designated Points of Contact. You will them on the right side of the page. 

Deadline for Submissions: October 7th, 2016 at 17:00 (Central European Time in Spain) or 11:00 (Eastern Time in Canada).

Application Form: Partners complete and submit the EUREKA Project Application Form


Call for project process

Preliminary Project Eligibility Assessment (PPEA) 

Interested Lead Participants are required to submit a partially completed EUREKA Application Form (a few lines per section) to their respective National Authority Point of Contact for a preliminary assessment of eligibility, viability and national funding procedures if national funding is being sought.  This PPEA must take place prior to Step 2, no later than August 31, 2016,. Participants that obtain a positive PPEA result will be invited to submit the full EUREKA Application Form.

Submission of EUREKA Application Form 

Lead Partners of Projects receiving a positive PPEA result  must complete and submit the full EUREKA Application Form to their respective National Authorities no later than October 7th , 2016 at 17:00 (Central European Time in Spain) or 11:00 (Eastern Time in Canada), in due respect of the national procedures described below:

  • Canadian Lead Participants submit the EUREKA Application to the NRC Main POC.
  • Spanish Lead Participants submit a formal EUREKA project application through CDTI’s website ( including an updated EUREKA Application Form (according to the comments made by the national authorities in the PPEA), a draft Consortium Agreement, and a National Project Outline. In Spain, project activities shall not start before the submission date of national funding applications to CDTI.
  • EUREKA Applications must be legally signed by all project participating organizations. The signatures must be scanned and sent together with the EUREKA Application Form.
  • Canadian participants must confirm with their National Authorities that all parties have concluded a Consortium Agreement governing the overall partnership (i.e. schedule, funding arrangement, roles and responsibilities, intellectual property rights, etc.). The National Authorities can provide more details on this requirement at the PPEA meeting.


EUREKA Applications are evaluated by NRC and CDTI using the EUREKA Project Assessment Methodology (PAM).  The Project Lead Participant will be informed of the results.

EUREKA Label and Implementation

Successful EUREKA Applications are submitted by the National Authority of the Project Lead to the EUREKA Secretariat for labeling, which occurs quarterly.  Projects officially start upon labeling (in Spain, project activities shall not start before the submission date of national funding applications to CDTI). National funding contributions are allocated to the eligible participants in accordance with the respective national funding procedures.  

Special focus

Participants are invited to submit Project Proposals in all thematic areas, with particular focus in the following areas:

  1. Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies
  2. Industrial Manufacturing, Machinery, Materials and Transport
  3. Agrifood Technologies
  4. Biotechnologies, Medical Devices
  5. Environment, Energy

Eligibility criteria

Projects must meet the following qualifications to be eligible for this call:

  • Partners must include at least one Canadian and one Spanish R&D performing commercial company, each acting as the Lead Participant for the other participants in their respective country.  Research institutes, universities and sub-contractors are invited to participate, with eligibility for financial support in accordance with their respective country’s funding regulations.
  • Companies from other countries may participate, however they are ineligible to receive funding from either CDTI or NRC-IRAP.
  • Canadian Lead Participant must be an SME eligible for support from NRC-IRAP.
  • Spanish Lead Participant (i.e. legally established in Spain) must be an industrial entity.
  • Canadian and Spanish partners must demonstrate that their proposed project has a civilian purpose, as required under EUREKA, and that the proposed technology, product, process or service being jointly developed will be commercialized no later than two years after project completion.
  • Partners must demonstrate that the joint project will generate mutually beneficial returns for all participants (e.g. new expertise, commercial opportunities, access to technologies, markets, etc.).
  • Contribution of the participants from both countries must be well-balanced in terms of the value each participant brings to the overall Project, according to EUREKA criteria.

Funding details

The National Authorities may provide access to public funding for approved joint EUREKA Projects, in accordance with the national laws, rules, regulations and procedures in effect, on a no-exchange of funds basis, and subject to budgetary availability in each country. Participants can also self-fund. Details on national funding procedures will be explained at the PPEA phase.  Below is a brief description of the funding eligibility in each country:

  • In Canada, financial support for participating Canadian SMEs may be provided by NRC-IRAP for eligible research and development activities, by supporting a portion of salary and contractor costs associated with the project. Total support for the firm in the form of a non-repayable contribution will not exceed 75% of its total costs in the project. More information on NRC-IRAP can be obtained at the following link (in English and French):
  • In Spain, CDTI finances industrial research and/or technological development activities of Spanish companies. Universities and research centers can be funded as subcontractors. Funding conditions for Spanish partners may vary depending on the nature of the project and the beneficiaries. Spanish tasks in the project can only start after submitting the funding application to CDTI. For further information, please contact directly with CDTI. More information can be obtained at the following link (in Spanish): 

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