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Erasmus+ programme, key action 3 - Support for policy reform Civil society cooperation in the fields of education and training and youth EACEA/26/2017
Date de clôture : 14 déc. 2017  

 Innovation sociale
 Développement et coopération
 Éducation et formation
 Enseignement supérieur
 Mobilité des jeunes
 Jeunes travailleurs

Cooperation with civil society organisations in the fields of education, training and youth is essential to create a broad sense of ownership in relation to lifelong learning strategies and policies, and to take into consideration stakeholders' ideas and concerns at all levels. It is important for raising awareness about the EU strategy for growth and jobs, the Strategic Framework for European cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020), specific policy agendas such as the Bologna process in Higher Education or the Riga-Copenhagen process in Vocational Education and Training (VET), the European Agenda for Adult Learning, as well as the EU Youth Strategy. It is vital for securing the active involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of policy reforms in the different countries, for promoting their participation in the Erasmus+ programme and other European programmes and for disseminating policy, programme results and good practice through their extensive membership networks. In the context of their work programmes submitted under this call, applicant organisations are also encouraged to link their activities to the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage.

In this framework, the present Call for proposals will provide funding through the two following Lots:

1. Civil society cooperation in the field of education and training (Lot 1)

2. Civil society cooperation in the field of youth (Lot 2)


Please note that an organisation can submit only one application under this Call for proposals, either for Lot 1 or Lot 2, but not for both.


1. General objectives

The objective of the present Call is to provide structural support, referred to as operating grant, to European non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) and EU-wide networks active in the field of education and training or in the field of youth and pursuing the following general aims:

  • —  Raise stakeholder awareness of European policy agendas in education, training and youth, in particular Europe 2020, Education and Training 2020, specific policy agendas such as the Bologna or the Riga-Copenhagen processes, the European Agenda for Adult Learning, or the EU Youth Strategy.

  • —  Increase stakeholder commitment and cooperation with public authorities for the implementation of policies and reforms in the fields of education and training and of youth, in particular the country-specific recommendations issued in the framework of the European Semester.

  • — Boost stakeholder participation in the field of education, training and youth.

  • — Boost stakeholder involvement in the dissemination of policy and programme actions and results and of good prac­ tice among their membership and beyond.

These aims should be clearly embedded in the work plans, activities and deliverables of the applicant organisations.


2. Eligibility
2.1. Eligible applicants
This Call is open to two categories of bodies:

  • —  Category 1: European non-governmental organisations (ENGO) in the field of education and training or in the field of youth;

  • —  Category 2: EU-wide networks in the field of education and training or in the field of youth. An organisation may submit only one application, either for category 1 or for category 2.

To be eligible, applicants must:
— Be a non-governmental organisation or body;

— Be not-for-profit-making;
Please refer to the detailed definitions of the two categories of eligible applicants provided under each Lot.

Erasmus+ National Agencies or organisations having overwhelmingly Erasmus+ National Agencies as members (2/3 or more) are not eligible organisations under this Call.

2.2. Eligible countries
Applications from legal entities established in one of the following countries are eligible:

  • —  EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom;

For British applicants: Please be aware that eligibility criteria must be complied with for the entire duration of the grant. If the United Kingdom withdraws from the EU during the grant period without concluding an agreement with the EU ensuring in particular that British applicants continue to be eligible, you will cease to receive EU fund­ ing (while continuing, where possible, to participate) or be required to leave the project on the basis of the frame­ work partnership agreement or the operating grant agreement (Article II.16.2.2(a) or General Conditions II.16.2.1(a) respectively).


  • —  The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries which form part of the European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway;

  • —  Candidate countries for which a pre-accession strategy has been established, in accordance with the general princi­ ples and general terms and conditions laid down in the framework agreements concluded with those countries with a view to their participation in EU Programmes: former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey.


3. Funding arrangements
The present call for proposals offers the opportunity to apply for:

  • —  Framework Partnership Agreements (for Lot 1 - Education and Training and for Lot 2 - Youth); and for

  • —  Annual Operating Grants (only applicable for Lot 2 - Youth).

An organisation may submit only one application, either for a Framework Partnership Agreement or for an Annual Operating Grant.


3.1. Framework Partnership Agreement

Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA) cover long-term cooperation at European level. This kind of agreement formalises a partnership for three years.

Applications for a Framework Partnership Agreement must include:

  • —  a detailed 12-month work programme (annual work programme) for 2018 together with the information needed to calculate the grant (see the Applicant Guidelines, Section 11.2);

  • —  a three-year strategic plan covering the period 2018-2020.

The three-year plan should set out a strategy including objectives, expected results and deliverables for the period 2018-2020, both globally and for each of the three years, as well as the actions to be implemented to ensure their achievement.

The annual work programme must be based on the strategic plan set out for the period 2018-2020 and will be the basis for awarding a specific annual operating grant for each of the three budgetary years concerned. The consistency and complementarity between the multiannual and the annual elements of the programme should be clearly demonstrated.

3.2. Annual Operating Grant (only applicable for Lot 2 - Youth)
Annual Operating Grants focus on short term cooperation at European level.

Applications for Annual Operating Grants must contain a detailed 12-month work programme (annual work pro­ gramme) for 2018 together with the information needed to calculate the grant.


4. Award criteria
The quality of eligible applications will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria (1):

— Relevance (maximum 30 points);
— Quality of the work plan's design and implementation (maximum 20 points);
— Profile, number of participants and countries involved in the activities (maximum 20 points); — Impact, dissemination and sustainability (maximum 30 points).
To be considered for funding, proposals must score

  • —  at least 60 points overall, and

  • —  at least half of the maximum points in each of the award criteria mentioned above (15 points for the criteria ‘Relevance’ and ‘Impact, dissemination and sustainability’, 10 points for the criteria ‘Quality of the work plan's design and implementation’ and ‘Profile, number of participants and countries involved in the activities’).


5. Budget
The total budget available in 2018 for the present call (Lots 1 and 2) is EUR 6 500 000, allocated as follows:

Lot 1 – Education and Training EUR 2 500 000

Lot 2 – Youth EUR 4 000 000

The Agency reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available.


6. Submission of applications
Applications must be submitted using an online grant application form (eForm).

The eForm is available in English, French and German at the following Internet address:
and must be duly completed in one of the official languages of the EU.


The eForm duly completed must be submitted online by 14 December 2017 - 12.00 (midday, Brussels time) and include the relevant annexes (1):

1. Declaration on honour

2. Detailed strategic plan for the period 2018-2020

(compulsory for Lot 1 — Education and training and only for FPA applications of Lot 2 — Youth)

Additional compulsory administrative annexes (2) must be sent by email to the Agency by the same deadline.


7. Additional information
Applications must comply with the provisions contained in the Applicant Guidelines – Call for proposals EACEA/26/2017,

available at the following internet address: E-mail contacts:
For Lot 1:
For Lot 2:





Civil society cooperation: Education and training

1. Specific objectives

Civil society organisations active in the field of education and training are expected to develop and implement innova­ tive, targeted and creative strategies and activities to support the effective implementation of reforms and actions in the following areas:

Promoting inclusive education for all, through targeted actions focused on the implementation of the priorities set in the Paris Declaration, particularly: fostering an inclusive and democratic learning environment, which leads to better integration of disadvantaged learners (including migrants), and supports learners according to their needs; enhancing cooperation with families, social services, civil society, social partners and the non-formal learning sector to encourage engagement with young people, strengthen mutual support between the learning environment and the community and promote intercultural understanding; supporting teachers, trainers, educators and leaders of educational institutions in dealing with diversity and in promoting a fair and unbiased learning environment; promoting a life-long learning approach to inclusive education to facilitate access, completion and transitions between various educational levels and sectors and to attract hard-to-reach groups back into learning; improving educational governance, funding and monitoring mechanisms to remove barriers potentially leading to educational inequalities; helping develop innovative pedagogies for teaching social and civic competences.

Enhancing the acquisition by all citizens of a wide set of (key) competences, through: supporting the acquisition of basic read­ ing, mathematics and science skills; supporting the acquisition of key competences, including through facilitating transi­ tions and flexible or alternative learning pathways, developing quality Adult learning and Vocational Education and Training (VET), promoting work-based learning, traineeships, apprenticeships and volunteering; promoting interdisci­ plinary approaches and developing guidance and support for teacher education and development; boosting competence- based teaching and learning; promoting European tools for transparency and the recognition of prior learning — including non-formal and informal learning outcomes — and of experience.

Supporting teachers, staff and leaders of education and training institutions through: promoting attractive career structures, improving selection, recruitment and retention; supporting effective induction schemes that combine professional, social and personal support; promoting accessible, affordable and relevant continuing professional development (CPD); pro­ moting team teaching, mutual classroom observation and professional learning communities; contributing to developing online communities and resources for school professionals.

Promoting excellence and innovation, through formal, non-formal and informal learning and through learner-centred provi­ sion of basic and key competences, including literacy, numeracy, languages, digital, entrepreneurship competences, as well as transversal competences such as creativity; supporting the effective use of digital technologies in innovative ped­ agogies; increasing the supply and take-up of learning opportunities including for example by raising awareness of inno­ vative educational approaches such as Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs); creating open learning environments and cross-sector stakeholder partnerships; enhancing the links between education and training institutions and the outside world; enhancing collection of data and analysis on education and training, including exploring innovative funding approaches.

The work plan should clearly demonstrate the organisation's potential and capacity to generate concrete impacts in at least two of these areas.


2. Applicant bodies
Only bodies corresponding to the definitions below will be considered as eligible under Lot 1:

Category 1: European non-governmental organisation (ENGO)

In the context of Lot 1, ENGOs must:

  • —  be active in the implementation of the Strategic Framework for European cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020):

    — in at least one of the following sectors - early childhood education and care, school education, higher education, vocational education and training, adult learning;

    — or in at least one major cross-sector area such as citizenship education, ICT education, language learning, entrepreneurship education, etc.;

    and represent at least one major stakeholder group such as students, teachers/trainers/school leaders, learning providers, parents, etc.;

  • —  Operate through a formally recognised structure, composed of:

    1. (a)  European body/secretariat (the applicant) legally established for at least two years in an eligible country on the date of submission of the application


    2. (b)  national organisations/branches (1) in at least 12 eligible countries having a statutory link with the European body/secretariat;

  • —  Be independent of public authorities, of political parties and commercial organisations;

  • —  Have at least one salaried member of staff (full-time equivalent). Category 2: EU-wide network (formal network)

In the context of Lot 1, an EU-wide network is an umbrella organisation of European non-governmental organisations (ENGOs as defined in category 1). The specificity of such a EU-wide network is that its members are themselves NGOs at European level. A European umbrella organisation thus represents a very large number of European stakeholders and covers a wide range of policy domains. It must:

  • — Be composed of legally autonomous ENGOs as defined in category 1 and be active in the implementation of the Strategic Framework for European cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020);
  • —  Fulfil the three following requirements:

    1. (a)  represent more than one major stakeholder group – such as: learners (at all levels of education and training), the teaching profession (including teachers, trainers and school leaders), parents, etc.


    2. (b)  be active in all the following sectors:

      — early childhood education and care — school education,
      — higher education
      — vocational education and training — adult learning


    3. (c)  be active in more than one major cross-sector area (such as citizenship education, ICT education, language learn­ ing, entrepreneurship education, etc.) involving one or more representative stakeholder groups as described above;

  • —  Be formally established, i.e. have legal personality and have been legally registered for at least two years in an eligible country on the date of submission of the application (applicants must submit a copy of the applicant organisation's articles of association and official certificate of registration);

  • —  Have a minimum of 20 member organisations (ENGOs as defined in category 1);

  • —  Be independent of public authorities, of political parties and commercial organisations;

  • —  Have at least one salaried member of staff (full-time equivalent).


3. Activities
Eligible activities must be directly linked to the general and specific objectives of the present Call and must be coherent

and well detailed in an annual work programme.

The following is an indicative, non-exhaustive list:

  • —  Activities facilitating access and participation of stakeholders in the implementation of EU policy priorities in the field of education and training;

  • —  Exchanges of experience and good practice; networking and partnerships with other stakeholders;

  • —  Capacity-building for the member organisations, including peer learning, training, advisory, guidance and coaching activities to improve the effectiveness of policy actions;

  • —  Initiatives and events for developing the membership of the ENGO/EU-wide network;

  • —  Thematic and country-specific studies, analyses, surveys and reports on EU education and training priorities, in par­ ticular in the framework of the EU strategy for growth and jobs, including the European Semester, and of the ET 2020 strategic framework;

  • —  Awareness-raising, information, dissemination and promotion activities (seminars, workshops, campaigns, meetings, public debates, consultations, etc.) on EU policy priorities in the field of education and training and on EU funding instruments (European programmes – in particular Erasmus+, European Structural and Investment Funds) to support these priorities. Activities establishing synergies between Erasmus+ and other EU or national/regional funding sources are encouraged.

  • —  Cooperation projects to increase policy impact on target groups, sectors and/or systems; Activities may be performed at European, cross-border, national, regional or local level.


4. Budget
The total budget allocated for the co-financing of civil society cooperation in the field of education and training is:

EUR 2 500 000. By way of indication:

  • —  Bodies under category 1 (ENGOs) will account for about 90 % of the Education and Training strand budget available;

  • —  Networks of ENGOs under category 2 will account for about 10 % of the Education and Training strand budget available.

    The maximum annual operating grant under a three-year Framework Partnership Agreement will be: Category 1: European non-governmental organisation (ENGO)
    — EUR 125 000
    Category 2: EU-wide networks

— EUR 200 000




Civil society cooperation: Youth

1. Specific objectives
The organisations active in the field of youth that will be supported under this Call are expected to carry out activities

that aim to:

  • —  Promote a stronger participation of all young people in democratic and civic life in Europe; contribute to the debate on/development of policy issues affecting young people and youth organisations at European, national, regional or local level; make young people's voices better heard in society; encourage voting in European parliamentary elec­ tions; foster the empowerment of young people in society, and their participation in the decision-making processes;

  • —  Encourage young people's fair and equal access to opportunities; facilitate the transition from youth to adulthood, in particular the integration into the labour market and youth employability; increase social inclusion of all young people and their participation in solidarity activities;

  • —  Foster the development of competences and skills through non formal learning, youth organisations and youth work; promote digital literacy, intercultural learning, critical thinking, the respect of diversity, and the values of soli­ darity, equal opportunities and human rights among young people in Europe.


2. Applicant bodies
In the context of civil society cooperation in the field of youth, the following definitions apply:

Category 1: A European non-governmental organisation (ENGO) must:

  • —  Operate through a formally recognised structure, composed of (a) European body/secretariat (the applicant) legally established for at least one year in a eligible country on the date of submission of the application and (b) national organi­ sations/branches (1) in at least twelve eligible countries having a statutory link with the European body/secretariat;

  • —  Be active in the field of youth and run activities that support the implementation of the fields of action of the EU Youth Strategy;

  • —  Involve young people in the management and governance of the organisation.

Category 2: An EU-wide network (informal network) must:

  • — Be composed of legally autonomous non-profit organisations active in the field of youth and running activities that support the implementation of the fields of action of the EU Youth Strategy;


  • —  Operate through an informal governance setting, composed of (a) an organisation legally established for at least one year on the date of submission of the application in a eligible country with functions of coordination of and sup­ port to the network at European level (the applicant); and (b) other organisations established in at least twelve eligi­ ble countries;

  • —  Involve young people in the management and governance of the network.


3. Activities
The applicant must present a coherent and well-developed work programme integrating non-profit making, youth-led

activities which are appropriate to the objectives of the Call.


— Non-formal and informal learning and activity programmes targeted at young people and youth workers;

— Activities for quality development of youth work;

— Activities for the development and promotion of recognition and transparency tools in the field of youth;

— Seminars, meetings, workshops, consultations, debates of young people on youth policies and/or European matters;

— Consultations of young people feeding into the Structured Dialogue in the field of youth;

— Activities for the promotion of young people's active participation in democratic life;

— Activities for the promotion of intercultural learning and understanding in Europe;

— Media and communication activities and tools on youth and European matters.

4. Budget
The total budget allocated for the co-financing of civil society cooperation in the field of youth is:

EUR 4 000 000. By way of indication:

  • —  Bodies under category 1 (ENGOs) exclusively dedicated to youth will account for about 70 % of the youth strand budget available;

  • —  Bodies under category 1 (ENGOs) having a broader scope but including a section dedicated to youth will account for about 10 % of the youth strand budget available;

  • —  Bodies under category 2 (EU-wide networks) exclusively dedicated to youth will account for about 20 % of the youth strand budget available.

    The maximum annual operating grant will be:
    Category 1: European non-governmental organisation (ENGO)
    — EUR 50 000 for Framework Partnership Agreements applications — EUR 35 000 for Annual Operating Grants applications
    Category 2: EU-wide networks
    — EUR 50 000 for Framework Partnership applications
    — EUR 35 000 for Annual Operating Grants applications.

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