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14 projets européens trouvés

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Water analytics and Intelligent Sensing for Demand Optimised Management (WISDOM)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

Growing water demand caused by climate change, urbanization and population growth requires new business and technology platforms to manage the increased level of diversity and complexity of urban water resources management. The increasing variability of both supply and consumption will also require more sophisticated and optimized decision making.To achieve a step change in water and energy saving ...
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Le projet vise à développer laccessibilité, lusage et la sécurité des zones côtières dans les territoires transfrontaliers, par le biais dinvestissements matériels (la sécurisation des routes, la construction de pistes cyclables et piétons, l'élimination des obstacles architecturaux pour mieux relier la ville avec la mer), et immatériels (développement de App pour Smartphone pour une plus grande d ...
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Le projet vise à faciliter laccessibilité aux services par les populations à mobilité réduite et, en général, par la population résidant dans les zones périphériques et défavorisées.Lobjectif général du projet est dexpérimenter une approche du système aux thèmes de laccessibilité aux services, afin daméliorer toute la chaîne du déplacement et du stationnement des points darrêt des sujets défavoris ...
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Le projet soccupe de trois domaines thématiques en les mettant en relation entre eux: le nautisme, les services pour lemploi, l'instruction et la formationprofessionnelle.L'objectif principal de ce projet est de développer deux réseaux transfrontaliers thématiques: un réseau pour l'emploi et l'autre pour l'instruction et la formation professionnelle, afin d'améliorer, en termes qualitatifs et quan ...
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In Tuscany, Liguria, Corsica and Sardinia, the boating industry is very active, despite the differences between areas, both in terms of shipbuilding production, which in terms of socio-environmental, the project's overall objective delineation a path towards a joint approach involving the districts of four regions in the Mediterranean partners. For the sake of consistency with the Lisbon Strategy ...
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The project PERLA seeks to develop accessibility, usability and security of coastal areas in the border region. The joint actions are planned by the project to increase and standardize the range of services dedicated to tourism, including through the use of innovative and advanced technologies. It also aims to promote cultural exchanges and the creation and / or 'network implementation and intangi ...
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The recreational boating industry has a tremendous potential for dynamism and competitiveness and the concentration of enterprises operating in marine construction, marine services of one of the most important in the world. The entire area of ​​cooperation and particularly the region and Stroke Provinces of Lucca, Pisa, Livorno Massa Grosseto La Spezia. The overall project objective is to improve ...
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The project SERENA insists on the MDL and the existing network of SPI to strengthen the attractiveness of the large number of jobs in the boating sector and its supply chain. The project involves the whole cooperation area (Liguria, 2 provinces Tuscany, Sardinia and Corsica). The project aims to improve and qualify the cooperation between border areas in terms of accessibility and enhancement of t ...
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The joint project aims to create innovative actions for safeguarding and enhancement of the Vermentino. The project intends to address the intertwining of the different components of the typical product, focusing on the added value from its relationship with the rural and coastal areas, in order to meet the new demand for tourism. (B) the reference area: Castelnuovo Magra, La Spezia Province, Prov ...
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The design theme is to optimize the system performance of the multimodal transport of people in poor areas and remote border area, to reduce barriers in access to services and intangible assets by the general public and persons with disabilities. They identified various sectors of activity, resulting in what is the fundamental activity of the project, ie design and testing of a wide range of innov ...
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Mitigation of hydro-geological risk in Alpine catchments (CatchRisk)

Date du début: 30 juin 2002, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2005,

The first objective of this project is to create a shared approach for the definition of hydro-geological risk scenarios in Alpine catchments and on alluvial fans. To achieve this all aspects of hydro-geological hazards affecting a catchment will be analysed, in particular: flooding and mass transport phenomena; droughts and aquifer depletion; and landslides, such as rockfalls, soil slips, and deb ...
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« CASTRUM » s’interesse aux villes mineures de la côte occidentale de la Méditerranée, souvent caractérisées par la présence de châteaux, de donjons et de remparts. Le projet a pour objectif de valoriser ces villes en utilisant leurs bâtiments comme points d’excellence pour des activités culturelles, d’animation, et de documentation. Il s’agit d’améliorer l’action publique dans le domaine de la ge ...
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The main goal of this proposal is to help carry out a homogenisation process of the set of tools and procedures destined to the subjects who deal with guidance in different capacities in the sector of the IFP (VTE), in the light of the wider European strategies and policies of Lifelong Guidance. In actual fact, such goal will be achieved through the transfer of a kit of quality tools and procedure ...
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...idattici.- Realizzazione di una piattaforma sperimentale per lo studio della biodiversità genetica riferita ai prodotti tipici (viticoli) dei territori del progetto, da realizzarsi presso la Provincia di Lucca.- Realizzazione di una Enoteca itinerante (wine bus) allinterno di un autobus storico opportunamente attrezzato, quale strumento per la promozione del Vermentino e dei prodotti tipici di qua ...
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