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3 projets européens trouvés

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The project aims at constructing - respectively, enlarging - and equipping two expo-centres, to create the necessary infrastructure, in order to stimulate the business development in Arad and Békés counties. Primary direct beneficiaries of the initiative are companies participating at fairs, as exhibitors or at programmes and business meetings. Indirect beneficiaries are all persons, who will be a ...
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Establishing Consultant's Network for Hungarian-Romanian Joint Ventures (TAMARO)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2010,

The project contributes to the strengthening of economy, and in addition supports business co-operation in the cross-border area, involving the strengthening of the small and medium-sized enterprises on both sides of the border. The project idea is closely linked to its objectives since the elaboration and operation of the shared consultation system is an excellent tool to present contractors the ...
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INOVATE aims to attract more EU citizens to entrepreneurial training and to increase the mobility of would-be entrepreneurs through the creation of a European Certificate in Entrepreneurship (ECE), similar to ECDL or the European CV, but in relation to business start-up training. On the basis of an initial, transnational analysis of current arrangements for business start-up training, a common com ...
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