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Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness (RIA Research and Innovation action) - SPACE-10-TEC-2018-2020
Date de clôture : 12 mars 2019  

 Transfert de technologie
 Technologie aérospatiale
 Horizon Europe

Specific Challenge:

The space sector is a strategic asset contributing to the independence, security and prosperity of Europe and its role in the world. Europe needs non-dependent access to critical space technologies, which is a sine qua non condition for achieving Europe’s strategic objectives. "Non-dependence" refers to the possibility for Europe to have free, unrestricted access to any required space technology. Reaching non-dependence in certain technologies will open new markets to our industries and will increase the overall competitiveness of the European Space sector.

Research in technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness has been undertaken within the frame of the Commission-ESA-EDA Joint Task Force (JTF) on Critical Technologies for European non-Dependence, launched in 2008.

In 2016, the JTF established the List of Actions for 2018-2020 (hereinafter JTF List of Actions 2018-2020), aiming at enhancing the TRL of the technologies identified in the list.


Selected actions from the JTF List of Actions 2018-2020 shall be implemented sequentially in 2018 and in 2019 as follows.

Group A (2018):

  • JTF-2018/20-3 – High Capacity FPGAs [U12]
  • JTF-2018/20-8 – ASICS: 28nm Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) [U22b]
  • JTF-2018/20-16 – Active discrete power components [U14]
  • JTF-2018/20-18 – RF components [N27]
  • JTF-2018/20-19 – Passive components [U13]
  • JTF-2018/20-22 – High temperature packaging [N49]

Group B (2019):

  • JTF-2018/20-2 – ASICS for mixed signal processing [U11]
  • JTF-2018/20-11 – Design and qualification of µcontroller for space applications [N52]
  • JTF-2018/20-12 – Design and prototype of nvRAM for SPACE with serial interface ((quad)-SPI) [N53]
  • JTF-2018/20-21 – High density (1000 pins and beyond) assembly capabilities and PCBs [U17]
  • JTF-2018/20-28 – Photonics components [U15]
  • JTF-2018/20-31 – Advanced laser crystals for high power space applications [N63]

Group C (2020):

  • JTF-2018/20-5 – Very high performance microprocessors [U20]
  • JTF-2018/20-9 – Design and prototype of ultra-reprogrammable SoCs [N50]
  • JTF-2018/20-14 – Fiber optic or photonic integrated technology gyro-based inertial measurement unit (IMU) [U6]
  • JTF-2018/20-17 – Power amplification: travelling wave tube materials [U7]
  • JTF-2018/20-23 – SW tool: automatic generation of code [N64]
  • JTF-2018/20-33 – Advanced materials and material technology for combustion chambers [U4]

Context information and high-level requirements, including description of scope, initial and target TRLs, and, where applicable, references and information of related activities, are provided in the JTF List of Actions 2018-2020. Accordingly, a technical guidance document, based on the JTF List of Actions 2018-2020, is published together with this work programme outlining all relevant information to the selected actions.

Activities shall be complementary and create synergy with other European activities in the same domain either in the space or non-space fields. Technological spin in and/or bilateral collaborations should be enhanced between European non-space and space industries, including technology research institutes and academia.

To this end, proposals shall include the following tasks:

  • Analysis of relevant available roadmaps, including roadmaps developed in the context of actions for Key Enabling Technologies supported by the Union;
  • Analysis of how their selected critical space technologies can contribute to different space applications or, where applicable, to non-space sectors (such as through technology transfer or spin off);
  • Commercial assessment of the supply chain technology in the space or non-space domains and, if applicable, a business plan for commercialisation with a full range (preload) of recurring products.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected Impact:
  • To reduce the dependence on critical technologies and capabilities from outside Europe for future space applications, as identified in the JTF List of Actions 2018-2020;
  • To develop or regain in the mid-term the European capacity to operate independently in space, e.g. by developing in a timely manner reliable and affordable space technologies that in some cases may already exist outside Europe or in European terrestrial applications;
  • To enhance the technical capabilities and overall competitiveness of European space industry vendors on the worldwide market;
  • To open new competition opportunities for European manufacturers by reducing dependency on export restricted technologies that are of strategic importance to future European space efforts;
  • To improve the overall European space technology landscape and complement and/or create synergy with activities of European and national either in the space or non-space fields.

Lien officiel :   Disponible pour les utilisateurs enregistrés