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Development and validation of a portable, automated and jigless system for drilling and assembly of fuselage joints - JTI-CS2-2017-CFP06-AIR-02-48
Date de clôture : 21 juin 2017  

 Technologie aérospatiale
 Industries aéronautiques
 Horizon Europe

Specific Challenge:

An automated system shall be developed to operate in a very flexible way, for panel longitudinal joints and barrel circumferential joints. Thanks to a jigless and portable architecture, the system shall follow the actual outer surface, moving on it with a suitable indexing and holding device. The system shall demonstrate the capability to drill in an accurate way and to insert sealant and fasteners, this in order to achieve the one-up process with significant flow reduction. After machine development and validation, the system will be used at TM facilities on a regional a/c fuselage full scale demonstrator. Please refer to the full and formal topic descriptions published in this call.

Lien officiel :   Disponible pour les utilisateurs enregistrés