Maritime Archaeological Society of Finland

: 13 déc. 2023

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A propos

Maritime Archaeological Society of Finland promotes the research and accessibility of European underwater cultural heritage - namely historic shipwrecks. We are building a 3D onthology of the Baltic Sea's historic shipwrecks with over 150 3D modelled wrecks in our database and at Sketchfab. Our long term goal is to establish a historic shipwreck acquarium, in which maritime archaeologists can work in an transparent manner and engage the general public in a unique way.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Marine et côte
 Tourisme durable
 Éducation et formation
 Services volontaires européens
 Héritage culturel
 Culture numérique
 Sciences humaines
 IT pour le patrimoine

Idées proposées

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