Wind energy for building/district cooling and heating applications

il y a 8 mois

Stratejik Yenilikci Girisimler Ltd.



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Modern cities utilize 70% of the consumed energy for building heating and cooling. Direct wind-to-heat is proven to have lower LCOE than natural gas the moment the wind capacity factor exceeds 0.25. Our patented wind turbine technology has a very effective storm protection feature which reduces weight to 1/10 of that of classical turbines. It also makes it safe, noise-free, and bird-friendly. Being quiet, not very tall, and urban-friendly, it is ideal for installation near inhabited areas. Wind-to-heat provides low-cost energy storage as well as low capex. The technology is modular, easy to carry, and easy to erect. Study shows as the distance between turbines and housing increases the LCOE increases 1 euro cent pr km distance.  We are looking for pilot applications of the technology and seek to join consortiums related to our technology.   

 Énergie renouvelable
 Villes intelligentes

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