Sustainable Manufacturing

il y a 2 ans

Eria Textiles L.T.D



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

En recherche d'un consultant

There are 2 main goals our company is focused on:

1. Producing biodegradable products

For this topic some consultancy will be needed to help us with finding not only the markets interested in, but also the right suppliers for such products. The best scenario would be to find the right client, who by himself would orientate us toward the certified suppliers for such products, as well as the necessary certifications needed. 
Very probably, some capital will be needed to make the transition.

2. Solar panels and electric vehicles

Our idea is to invest in solar panels, which will make us totally independent in terms of electricity. We have the necessary surface to make such an investment, but we're lacking the necessary capital.
On top of that, our idea is to invest in electric vehicles, for our transport needs.

 Matières premières
 Efficacité énergétique
 Ressources naturelles

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