Interested in a Partnership (Călărași Regional Office for Cross-Border )

il y a 3 ans

Looking for experienced partners interested in developing/ implementing together EU funded projects. Our institution has dealt with INTERREG /ETC funds for more than a decade. Currently our institution is hosting the Joint Secretariat for INTERREG VA Romania Bulgaria Programme ( ) and also the FLC unit for Romanian beneficiaries. Our main expertise area is management and control of EU funds (ERDF/Interreg) and in contact with a very vast network of stakeholders from Romania and Bulgaria.

 Villes intelligentes
 Coopération transfrontalière
 Stratégie de l'UE pour la région du Danube
 Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER)
 Coopération interrégionale
 Coopération transnationale
 Coopération territoriale

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