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Replication and Adaptation in Molecular Networks (READ)
Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Systems Chemistry (the chemistry of complex mixtures of interacting molecules) is a rapidly developing new fronteir in the chemical sciences. Where chemistry has for centuries been a firmly reductionistic science, Systems Chemistry breaks with this tradition by focussing on complexity and emergent behaviour.This network brings together nearly all major academic players active in Europe on experimental approaches to Systems Chemistry in general and molecular networks in particular. Our consortium is of exceptional quality and is a balanced mix of highly experienced scientists with mutiple publications in Science and/or Nature and talented young scientists of whom four have recently been awarded prestigious ERC starting grants. We have two full partners from industry that provide essential analytical support and the perspective on commercialisation of complex chemical systems. Aim of our high-level consortium is to provide a comprehensive high-quality training program on Systems Chemistry, in the context of a cutting-edge and wide-ranging research program, focusing on two important phenomena: adaptation and replication in molecular networks. These subjects will be developed towards application in enantioselective organoautocatalysis, molecular Boolean logic protocols, self-synthesising materials that exhibit electronic conductivity and adaptive biological functionality, sensing of bio-analytes, assessing molecular similarity and materials for anti-counterfeiting.Our comprehensive training and research program will deliver a new generation of young researchers eager to push the frontiers of the rapidly emerging field of Systems Chemistry, expanding Europe’s lead in this exciting new area."



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