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Led-based intelligent street lighting for energy saving (LITES)
Date du début: 1 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The main objective of the LITES project is to demonstrate in real life experimentation that intelligent street lighting using solid-state lights LED drastically reduces energy consumption. The lighting service delivered is compliant with road classes CE2-CE5, S- and A- according to the standard of EN13201. That means that our device can be installed in secondary street, commercial access, allotment, pedestrian way, cycle track. It is compliant with all electric standards for luminaires general requirements and tests as well.The core element of the solution is the dimming of the lamp depending on the environment; a set of embedded sensors measures ambient light, temperature, current, and detect motion. Output data of sensors is then processed by the embedded intelligence enabling an optimum regulation of light intensity levels. The partners forming the consortium have been carefully selected to cover the entire value-chain of the project and the standardisation as well. They are all convinced about the prosperous future for this technology, its significant energy saving potential up to 70 %, environmental and economic benefits and the increased level of traffic safety and comfort for the end-users.The objectives will be achieved by the development of a luminaire specially designed to house the LED array, the embedded intelligence and sensors. Each one of the pilot site, full members of the consortium as well, will be equipped with a set of luminaires. To obtain significant change in the demand for intelligent street lighting, current facts and results about LITES will be presented in conferences, in fairs, in scientific and non-scientific magazines, on website, in video presentations on technical, financial, and organizational issues on LITES technology implementation. Videos will gather the experience in four pilot sites distributed in France, Portugal, Latvia, and Poland. Adapted video versions will be developed for each pilot country including an introduction presented by local expert from LITES team. The European content will be complemented with subscripts in LITES partner country language.



Projet Website

5 Participants partenaires