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3 projets européens trouvés

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Chemical Industry provides the highest potential for increasing eco-efficiency in industrial water management. E4Water addresses crucial process industry needs, to overcome bottle necks and barriers for an integrated and energy efficient water management. The main objective is to develop, test and validate new integrated approaches, methodologies and process technologies for a more efficient and s ...
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Energy Demand Aware Open Services for Smart Grid Intelligent Automation (SmartHG)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015, SmartHG services will increase grid reliability by estimating and controlling (using price policies) voltages and currents in internal unmonitored nodes of the grid.Fourth, SmartHG case studies in Kalundborg and Minsk will enable thorough technical, environmental and economical evaluation of project results.Finally, SmartHG consortium consists of three highly qualified and multidisciplinary clu ...
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The project team anticipates substantial advantage through migration towards highly integrated manufacturing on industry parks. Key features include:1) Profile matching of energy, by-products, waste streams (etc) across multiple manufacturing operations2) High performance energy supply utilisation & recovery systems, maximising efficiency by operating in conjunction with local community energy n ...
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